Verbal Portrait

    The project verbal portrait was one of the projects done on 10th grade. The point of it, was to draw a famous artist, or some one that was important in our life's, like a family member, or a friend. in my project I drew Ozzy Osbourn, a very important and famous metal  artist. I decided to drew him because he has been an influence in my life, and i really enjoy his music. The way I drew him was by first drawing the silhouette of the face on a bond paper, and then start adding the details with pens and pencils of different tones for the shades.
    At the end of the project  I was really please with the results, because the shading and the shape was good and looked liked the artist. I had trouble when trying to draw first with pencil, because sometimes there were shapes that didin´t match with the picture. the easy part if it, was the part of writing all over the drawing. This was easy because I knew some lyrics and famous sayings, and the silhouette  was already there, therefore i had to just follow the path of the drawing, and write. another thing that was kind of difficult was trying to match the different pencils and pens with the shading, because   sometimes the shadings didin´t match with the picture.

Pop Art Painting

For this project I used paint and a canvas. The project was a work that was about painting a face of your favorite artist or person on a canvas using pop art techniques. I drew a character from a t.v series "El Chavo del 8" called Don Ramon. He is a very funny guy, tv an that is why I drew him. First I had to draw the face on the canvas using a technique that was learned in class, and that was also practiced. Then after drawing the face you had to draw the shapes of the different shadings, and number them from 1 through 5. in my case 1 was the lightest, and 5 was the darkest one. then after choosing the scales you had to  choose 2 colors, one for painting the background, and the other for the face. After that you had to create the colors according to the scales chosen, and then paint the face and the background.
There were many difficulties when doing this project. the first one was trying to draw the face perfect and adding all the details the face needed. This was because drawing with a pencil in a canvas wasn't to easy because the pencil was unstable and it was hard to erase some things. Another thing that was difficult was painting the face, because there were some times that I didn't finished on class and the next class it was difficult to create the colors again according to the scales. Also when painting you had to be very careful because if you did something that was out of normal you had to restart again the face. the easy part was choosing the scale because you can just see the picture, and then add the scale.


Through all the year I have been drawing many different sketches, therefore I have many of them. I draw many things, from a soldier to a guy playing a guitar, and a hand holding something. the sketches are something that you do for fun, and you can do what ever you want. the materials that are used, are simple a pencil, pencil colors, or just markers.
The difficult part of making a sketch is getting the idea. you need an idea for making a sketch, and if you don´t have an idea, you wont have  a sketch. Also being creative is difficult, because if you are not creative when drawing the sketches, you will be diong any thing, but they won´t be good and will not be attractive to other people. the easy art is when you have an idea and just start to draw, bec